3 Enersolve for an Italian fertiliser company

3 Enersolve for an Italian fertiliser company


The customer is an important company located in the Po Valley, which produces fertilisers.



The customer’s need was to improve its energy savings and reduce emissions at the same time.



In August 2018, a 1600kVA Enersolve machine was installed at the production unit on the TR3 transformer line. In the first 2 years it generated over 175,000kWh of energy savings equivalent to over 15 tonnes of oil equivalent and about 70 tonnes of CO2.

The customer, satisfied with the result, purchased two more machines, 1250kVA and 1600kVA respectively, to be combined with the TR1 and TR2 transformers.

The Ortea team, always keen to save money, to minimise installation costs and maximise the customer’s ROI, designed and built the machines in two parts. The ‘kit’ supply allowed installation without costly structural alterations to the existing cabin.