In line with the glocal vision that distinguishes us: “think globally and act locally”, we strongly believe in the added value that continuously training our employees, our distribution channel, and our customers’ technicians brings to end users of our products and solutions.
For a number of years, in fact, we have organised specific training courses at our headquarters on maintenance and repair operations for our equipment with a calendar of 2-4 annual sessions lasting one week.
The advent of the pandemic put a halt to this activity. The good news we’d like to share is that the decrease in restrictions imposed by governments on the movement of people allowed us to carry out the first training session for a group of maintenance technicians for an important African airport where our voltage stabilisers are installed.
With an eye on the pandemic situation, we’re already working on restarting the usual training activity as soon as possible.
The calendar for our sessions is usually divided into theory and practice:
- the technical sessions illustrate the Ortea product ranges and features with a focus on design methodologies, operational principles, electrical systems, etc. This information allows students to learn the technical design “philosophy” for improving their ability to identify and resolve problems.
- the practical sessions involve genuine manual operations on equipment for acquiring knowledge of the machine intervention procedures, both maintenance ones and those relating to resolving problems.
As soon as possible, we will publish a calendar of sessions with an enrolment form.